Some call it Nirvana. Others call it Awakening, Enlightenment, Realization, Oneness, Satori, Yoga, Liberation. For me, it is nothing mystical or grandiose, but something utterly mundane and ordinary. Whenever I hurt, I would examine the thoughts that I am believing in. And when I realize that those thoughts are untrue, I am left with nothing but Peace and Joy.


Saturday, January 12, 2008

Dead Cat Enlightenment

I was driving to work. It was a nice fresh morning. Then, I saw a dead kitten some distance away lying on its right. There was some blood.

I felt how helpless it must have been for that poor kitten and also imagined my younger 4 year old son in that position.

Immediately, it dawned upon me that the "poor" kitten was unfeeling. It wasn't the kitten who was suffering, it was me. I was the poor helpless kitten. And at that moment, I also realized that my 4 year old son, had he been in such a situation, would also be without sufferring. It was me who was suffering - nothing else is possible.

A laughter erupted quite suddenly....