Some call it Nirvana. Others call it Awakening, Enlightenment, Realization, Oneness, Satori, Yoga, Liberation. For me, it is nothing mystical or grandiose, but something utterly mundane and ordinary. Whenever I hurt, I would examine the thoughts that I am believing in. And when I realize that those thoughts are untrue, I am left with nothing but Peace and Joy.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mindfulness Meditation Tool

Focus Tool for Mobile Phones

Focus Tool is a program that sounds an alert randomly throughout
the day. a gentle reminder to keep working towards your
personal growth goals. Also for Mindfulness meditation. Reminder
to be present HERE and NOW. It is easy to think about setting
goals for changing old habits or for personal growth when things
are calm and quiet. It is considerably more challenging for most
of us to maintain focus on those goals throughout the stresses of
everyday life. Focus Tools are incredibly effective because they
randomly remind you throughout your day to keep working towards
your goals when you need to remember them the most. Used
as a minfulness meditation tool. When the alert sounds, it reminds
you to become present in the Now, instead of being lost in thoughts
of worry, anxiety and fear. The Focus Tool has two modes of
operation: "Normal" mode alerts randomly between twenty
minutes and two hours apart. "Intense" mode, alerts between
five and twenty minutes apart.

** Fully functional Demo - no limitation.
Future updates will include more features. **

Download latest version and also how to use

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Awakening from the Dream of Thoughts

Below is a short videoclip on Awakening. Enjoy!

If you are using IE7 and can't see the above YouTube video, click below:

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How to Avoid Spinning when Doing The Work

By Carol Skolnick

What does it mean to "spin" when you facilitate The Work or answer the questions? Spinning is getting moving away from inquiring into the original statement in favor of something tangential.

Spinning During Facilitation

A facilitator's spinning looks like this:

Client: "My mother doesn't respect my choices in life."
Facilitator: Your mother doesn't respect your choices in life; is that true?
Client: No.
Facilitator: How do you react when you believe that thought, what happens?
Client: I feel depressed, and I get angry with my mother. I blame her for all the unhappiness in my life. I don't want to see her or share my life with her...
Facilitator: You don't want to share your life with her; is that true?

Believe it or not, this happens; I've even experienced facilitators spinning me several times before getting back to the original statement, at which point I'm dizzy!

Why do facilitators spin?
Usually it's well-meaning; they hear something come up in the course of inquiry that seems "juicier" to them than the original statement. Or, they think that going off on the tangent will be more helpful to the client.

How to stop spinning your client:
make a note of the client's underlying beliefs as they answer question 3, "How do you react when you believe this thought?" You can facilitate the client on these later, or assign them as "homework: for the client to work on alone. (In the example above, "I don't want to share my life with my mother" is an underlying belief. "My mother is to blame for my unhappiness" is another.)

Spinning Around Instead of Turning Around

Spinning a turnaround means veering away from the original statement, often in order to make it into a positive. When we spin a turnaround, we are in effect
turning around the turnaround, which then loses its power to open the mind.

Here's what spinning looks like in a turnaround:

Original statement: "My mother doesn't respect my choices."

Possible turnarounds:

To the opposite: "My mother does respect my choices."
To the other: "I don't respect my mother's choices."
To the self: "I don't respect my choices."

Spins: "I do respect my mother's choices." "I respect my choices." The spirit of the original statement has been lost.

Why do facilitators spin turnarounds?
Sometimes they want the client to feel better. This is facilitation with a motive, and it's good to notice.

Why do clients spin turnarounds?
They, too, would like to feel better. They may also feel pressure to come up with lots of turnarounds, believing
that "more is better." Also, both clients and facilitators who are new to inquiry may misunderstand the purpose of turnarounds,
which are neither self-flagellations nor affirmations. They are simply awareness-expanders.

How to stop spinning the turnarounds:
remember that you don't get extra points for extra turnarounds; use the ones the make sense to you.
Also, repeat the original statement to yourself; that way you'll be less likely to veer far off course. Sit with each turnaround, let it enlighten
you, and come up with three genuine examples of how that turnaround could be as true or truer.

The Work's efficacy lies in its simplicity.
You'll find you have more than enough
with simple turnarounds, without having to get creative and clever with them.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

How to Interpret the Colors of the Aura

By Julia Jablonski

At first, you are likely to see a slightly bluish white glow surrounding the head and body. This is the etheric body. The astral body (one level out from this) is where colors are first generally perceived. The further out one goes, the more one's skills must be refined, for the energy becomes finer and finer as we move from the etheric body to the astral/emotional body, to the mental and then spiritual bodies. Colors within the first twelve inches out from the body are likely to relate to feelings, the second twelve inches or so to thoughts, and beyond that to spiritual matters.

The following key on colors and their meanings is given as general information. Your intuition is the ultimate authority in all you do, especially in spiritual/psychic experiences.

Clear jewel tones and pastels denote positive or pure energy. The clearer and brighter, the more positive. The murkier or "heavier" a color, the more polluted the energy is with negativity, imbalance or fear. There are many shades of every color, so don't be misled by the apparent simplicity of the following list.

Bright, clear red is associated with physicality. A person with this color prominent in the aura is likely to be athletic or sensual, passionate, willful and/or strong.

Flashes of red often denote anger, and a murky red (towards maroon) can be lust, while dull red is often resentment. When looking for physical dis-ease, red often denotes over-stimulation or inflammation of an area.

Clear orange is associated with creativity and emotion. It often reveals courage and joy. Muddied oranges can represent pride and vanity.

Clear yellow is very common to find around people's heads, especially, I would presume, in the West. It represents the intellect, and lots of yellow in the aura is the sign of an intellectual. It can also indicate cheerfulness, or a "sunny" disposition. Impure yellows can reveal excessive intellectualizing and imbalance, or someone who is close-minded, dogmatic or critical.

A bright clear green denotes healing and growth, or often represents a healer. Many nurses and alternative healers have this color prominent in the aura. Physicians may have this, but also may tend more toward the yellow of the intellectual. Green also represents compassion. Muddier greens reveal jealousy and greed.

A shade one is likely to observe often if looking at the auras of speakers is a sickly yellow-green. This denotes intellect for greed or profiting from ideas, and generally shows someone who relies on their intellect both for profit and to feed the needs of their egos. I'm not saying that all speakers show this, or that speaking is a greedy endeavor, by any means! If you do observe this in a speaker, however, it is wise to remain aware of where that person may be coming from.

There are many shades of blue to be observed in auras. Blue generally denotes calmness and spiritual devotion, and can be found in seekers of truth. It often represents spiritual/psychic development. Turquoise can denote a passionate and youthful adventurous questing spirit. Bright royal blue shows someone honest and loyal. Light blue reveals a good imagination and intuition. Muddy blue often reveals sadness and loneliness (feeling blue), and also worrying.

Violet and purple in the aura generally denote spiritual or religious devotion. Royal purple shows leadership and strength of will. Murky purple can reveal egomania, arrogance, or a persecution complex, where the individual blames others or outside influences for their unwanted experiences.

Pink in the aura generally symbolizes love, affection and companionship, as well as an appreciation of beauty. Hot pink or magenta shows true devotion and affection. Muddy pink can denote immaturity, dependency and neediness.

Gold is a color showing power, spiritual achievement, dedication, inspiration and harmony. It is a color associated with "God" or the divine.

Grey generally symbolizes fear, and it is generally grey that muddies up other colors in the aura, making them less than clear. Silver would be the positive aspects of this color frequency, representing feminine/goddess energies, optimism, intuition and spiritual awakening.

Brown, when vibrant and clear, represents level-headedness and groundedness. It has an earthy vibration of determination and organization. When murky, it can represent blocks and stale energy.

Black can be fear or hatred and also show problems, imbalances and addictions. A clear jet black, however, can represent protection, mystery/secrets and wisely guarded knowledge.

White can be purity and truth, but is often a mixture of many colors that have not been more finely perceived or interpreted. Balls of light over the shoulders of the subject often reveal spirit guides or "guardian angels" who are important and current influences in the person's life.

Of course, combinations of colors represents combinations of those aspects. For example, blue/green might represent someone who is healing through a spiritual search for truth.

It's important, again, to listen to your intuition when interpreting what you see in an aura. Ask within for understanding about what is shown, and develop your own system of understanding based on your own experiences.

By Spring Wolf

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rainbow Colors and Chakra Colors

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet

Same colors as chakra:
Root, Navel, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown

Day 4 After Reiki Level 1 Attunement

I saw the complete human Aura for the first time.
It was in the car park. As I drove out of my parking bay,
there was a man in jeans in my rear view mirror. The sun was
coming in from his left but not shining directly on him. I gazed
at him for a moment (abut 5 seconds) via my rear view mirror.

When I close my eyes, after about 3 seconds, his aura (minus
his physical body) appeared! It was very clear. it looked
like a hollow shell in the centre, almost egg-shaped. At the
outer edge of the hollow black center, there was a colorful
band of spectrum about 1 to 2 feet thick, with jagged edges.

The time was afternoon. There was no internal light in the
car-park and the only light source was coming from the
reflected light somewhere behind the man.

Back in college, whilst in the washroom, I looked into the mirror
and gazed at my face for about 15 seconds. When I close my
eyes, I could see a semi-circular yellow band of glowing light
surrounding the countour of my head. It was about 6 inches
to 8 inches thick. There was also yellow band around my body
upto abdomen (the mirror only reached this height), but not as
thick. The yellow band was thickest round my head.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Day 2 After Reiki Level 1 Attunement

I had headache all of yesterday. I used the two hands back of
head position to clear the headache. In the evening, I was in
bathroom. The lights were dimmed. I looked in the mirror.
Stared at a spot on the wall just to the right of my head. Then,
through peripheral vision, I saw my aura - it was milky yellow
and it formed a band around the top of my head from
crown to crown. Width about 5 to 6 inches. When I stared
directly at it, it disappeared.

Then, later on in the night, when I looked at my 5 year
old son, I saw a bluish white aura thinly outlining his head.
At night, while lying on the bed, I turned and looked at
the sleeping form of my son and I saw yellowish glow
rising almost 12 inches all around his body.

Today, at college from level 3, I looked up to level 5 and
and saw a whitish aura of another female student about 2
feet around her head.

Later in my cubicle, I gazed at a the white background of
my money plant which was on my table. At first a whitish-
bluish smoky like aura appeared. It followed the contour
of the plant leaves and stems. It extended about 1 to 2 cm.
I then looked further up and saw another outline. this outline
has rainbow like edges and seems to be changing its shape
all the time. Some parts of it reached out like an appendage
to the left and sometimes some of it went to the right.

I later developed headache on the back part of my head
and used my hands to cure it.

Reiki Wallpapers

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ushui Reiki Level 1 Attunement

I attended Ushui Reiki Level 1 Training today conducted by
Master KK Tan.

Master Han Foong Ling gave me attunement for which
I am eternally grateful to her.

The room was dimly lit and a little warm. She stood behind me
and my eyes were closed. My tongue touching the palate as

She touched my shoulders, the back of my head, my neck,
she also grasped my hands and put them palms together in
front of my face and also later placed them on top of my
crown. I felt her did something on the top of my crown
whilst the palms were held on top.

All this while, I feld very calm and peaceful. Thoughts
almost came to a standtill.

I also feld warm energy coming from behind left and right
hitting my back. There was glittering lights from left
and right momentarily.

Later, we regrouped in the main hall and I received
Reiki treatment from A and Chin Nee. Chin Nee placed
her hands on my left heel whilst A did my lower back.
I felt warm energy from A but not much fom Chin Nee.

Later, it was A's turn, I placed my hands on his lower back
whilst Chin Nee put her hands on his shoulders. I felt
warm energy from hands. Chin Nee shook quite violently.
Later A reported feeling the warmth from my hands while
the shoulders felt nothing.

Then came Ching Nee's turn. I put my hands on her left
shoulder blade whilst A put his hands on her right
shoulder blade. She later reported feeling totally
different sensations from me and from A. She asked
me if I felt anything. And I told her I felt like something
tingling brushing like sensation on the palms of
my hands.

Master KK Tan later asked us to put our palms facing
him. He swept his palms across the room and I physically
felt his energy brush the palms of my hands!

Later we all sat in a circle. Our left hand facing up whilst
our right hand facing down. Eyes closed, I saw whilte light
brushing by from left to right.

We then asked a stroke patient lady sit in center and we all
put out our palms facing her. And this is the strange
part. For the first time, I felt a cold sensation on both
my palms. Weird.

At the end, I shook Master KK Tan, put my palms together
and thanked him.

Earlier he said that he only had a 2 months interval
between Level 1 and Level 2. And that Attunement can
last a lifetime. Even if we don't practice Reiki, it will still
be there whenever we need it.

Later at home, I had a headache. I placed my hands on
on face, side, crown and back. My whole head heated
up, especially the back and neck. The headache
did not immediately go away. I took a bath and brushed
my head with both hands from crown to back of neck and
threw away the excess energy into an imagined green
flame. Immediately the headache went away.

I also gave treatement to Adrian for his shortsightedness
and he later reported slight improvement.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Donna Eden's Energy Medicine

Download Energy Medicine ebook

Energize yourself

Energy Vampires

How to protect against energy vampires


EnergyVampires by Dr Bruce Goldberg

Reality is without should's and should not's

Whenever a thought arises, and if there is pain, it becomes
apparent that the thought is resisting reality. It is seen that
Reality itself is without any should's or should not's.

The cause and effect is very obvious. If I believe the thought,
the effect is immediate pain and suffering. That alone, is
sufficient for the thought to lose its hold.

It is very much akin to holding a red hot coal, or,
carrying a heavy load. To cling on to the hot coal or
a heavy object causes instant sufferring, and
conversely, to let go is freedom.

But the letting go is spontaneous, I cannot will myself
to let go. In fact it will never work. But, the letting
go happens automatically once cause-and-effect is
understood. Believing in the thought - pain.
Not believing in the thought - peace.

Everyday, stressful thoughts arise all the time. I have
no control over their arising. They come from nowhere
and also dissipate into nothingness - if they are not
believed. But if I believe it, it will keep replaying
itself again and again. Thoughts are not the
enemies. Just let them be - just watch them. Other
thoughts would arise to question them. These latter
thoughts also arise from nothingness. The questioning
thoughts would then demonstrate that believing in
the stressful thoughts causes pain and sufferring.
The stressful thoughts would then lose its hold. I experience
this cycle of thoughts arising and dissipating all the time.

If the negative stressful thoughts are suppressed, they
cause illness. The mind affects the vibrational frequencies
and energy surrounding the body. A negative thought that is
believed, causes bad frequencies and energy. Once the stressful
thoughts is shown to cause sufferring, belief in them drops
by itself and the negative frequency and energy dissipates.

We cause our own sufferring. Nobody and nothing else
causes our own sufferring. Reality, which is without morality,
without right or wrong, is untouched by our beliefs. And
we cause ourself our own pain by creating our own
beliefs. The stronger we hold on to a belief the more
strongly we suffer. All beliefs causes only pain and
sufferring. Because Reality is without beliefs. Beliefs
are mind-made.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I don't want to be right

I don't want to be right. I want to be free.

When you say you are right you are right.
When you say I am wrong, you are right.
When you say you are wrong, you are right.
You are always right.


Because, I don't want to be right.
I want to be free!

Ronnie should have called me to move my car - Thanks

This morning I arrived in college at around 9.55 am. I took a few
rounds in the basement looking for a place to park.

Since I could not find a place, I parked in a spot where the road
turns right. At that point it wasn't blocking any passageway.

Later, when I was in my office, checking my emails, I got a call
to move my car.

I went down and saw Ronnie. He was saying that I should not
park haphazardly as this would make his job difficult and also
that I was blocking the passageway. Opposite was a car which
had parked in the passageway and together with my car, both
our cars were indeed blocking the passageway. I explained to
Ronnie that that car wasn't there when I arrived this morning.
I also explained that when I arrived there was no place to park.
He did say that outside were available places. Anyway, I
complied and moved my car.

My stressful thoughts shortly thereafter went something like
the following.

"Why are they always picking on me?"
"Why are they always picking on staff and allowing the
students to park haphazardly?"
"Ronnie should not have asked me to move my car"

and many more such stressful thoughts...

The thoughts arose out of nowhere in a stream. They were not
full-blown thoughts, and as such did not overwhelm me.

At that point in time, it dawned upon me that I was
sub-consciously believing a thought that Ronnie should approve
of me. All the above stressful stream of thoughts were hinged
upon an underlying belief that I need people to approve
of me. So the root cause is the thought:

"I need Ronnie's (people's) approval"

When this hidden thought hit the surface of my consciousness,
it's corresponding turnaround also arose:

"I need my approval"

And that was immediately felt to be as true. At that point in
time, a sense of instant relief swept over me. And I felt
grateful to Ronnie.

Grateful because he has helped me enlighten some of my
stressful underlying beliefs.

Thanks to Ronnie.

My son should say what he just said...

Last night as i was doing programming, my elder son was
making some rude remarks and verbally abusing my
younger son.

I then could sense the faint arising of some very, very
stressful thoughts just about to break the surface of

Those semi-conscious thoughts were something like
the following, although I could not be sure exactly what
they were because they haven't fully surfaced yet:

"He shouldn't shout and say bad things..."

At that point in time, I could sense that if I were to believe
whatever it was that was about to surface, I was going to
be in tremendous amount of emotional pain.

Then, quite suddenly, the mind began to turnaround. It was
automatic. It just would not attach to the arising thought.
It was like, I was just about to put my hand in the fire, and
almost automatically withdraw it - a very natural response.
The mind could see clearly that if it believed the opposite,
it would be free from pain. And the opposite is:

"My son should say what he just said"...

A warm feeling emanated and filled my entire body. It was
just delightful. And I smiled the smile of Peace...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

An email to Lye Soon

My brother-in-law Lye Soon is a sort of a complainer.
He complaints incessantly in one email after another about the
Government. I usually do not bother to reply. But on one
occasion I wrote him the following response:

Dear Lye Soon,

I cannot change people's thinking.
But I can change mine.
My happiness is dependent on the way I perceive the world.
If I am unhappy, the first place I look at is my beliefs and thoughts.

By questioning my stressful beliefs and thoughts I find that they are untrue
and that frees me. If I think that other people should not do what they do,
or think what they think, who suffers? I do.

Let people think what they want and let people do what they want. Let them take
care of their thinking and their happiness. I take care of mine.
And I am most comfortable when I do not believe stressful thoughts.

I prefer to be free than to be right.

All suffering is caused by believing untrue thoughts.

Try this:

Love and Peace,

Friday, June 6, 2008

Greatest Love of All

Greatest Love of All – Whitney Houston

I believe the children are our are future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
Everybody searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone who fulfill my needs
A lonely place to be
So I learned to depend on me


I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I'll live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all

I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be


And if by chance, that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love

How true. I am Love within.
If I seek Love from outside, I'm insane and
masochistic and selfish. No one can give me Love.
To try to force someone to Love me is selfish.
I impose conditions and approval only on those who
love me. I love me and automatically i love everyone.
Because, everyone is me.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Justin, My Teacher My Friend

Me and Justin

Taken today in Justin's office. His last few days in Inti College.
He's a rare gem. Honest, faithful, kind and a great leader
with a heart.

Justin has taught me a lot about myself. Never have I met
such a kind-hearted soul.

As he packs his stuff and clears some old things, I know it is just
appearances. Justin will always be in my heart. Everything I
know and love about him is always part of me. Though Justin will only
be here until Monday - June 9, 2008, I know he will never leave.
For how can he, he is me and I am him. We are one always. I have
come to see that love and friendship will persists - for it can never die.
Physical appearances are nothing without the mind to make it real.

And deep down we are all inseparable and united in Love.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I shouldn't get angry? Is it true?

Here's a wonderful article by Carol Skolnick:

Article: Treat Every Concept as a Character
Very often, when I'm facilitating someone on a belief such as, "I am afraid," I'll ask, "How do you treat fear when you believe this thought?" The client typically says, "Wow, I never thought of asking myself that," and they find that they have been treating concepts the way they treat the people in their lives when they attach to concepts: with loathing, perhaps, or with avoidance.

If you are doing inquiry with underlying beliefs from a Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet--or, if you are writing about a universal belief, or about yourself--you may find yourself with more concepts to write about than characters. I invite you to treat each concept you question as a character in your story. Doing this can help you to deepen your realiations about your emotional life.

For instance, if you believe, "I shouldn't get angry," you may discover, as you answer question three, that you treat yourself harshly when you get angry, and that you treat others with distance; you wouldn't want them to see you as angry if you don't want to see yourself that way. So how do you treat anger itself when you believe that you shouldn't get angry?

Do you negate anger? Ignore it? Deny it in yourself? Dismiss it by saying it's really something else? Fear it? See it as the devil? Avoid or criticize angry people?

"There's not enough time." How do you treat time when you believe this thought? As a precious commodity (which means, in addition to valuing it, you could be fearful of losing it, or of not having enough of it)? As an enemy that withholds itself from you? Do you treat it with neediness? With avoidance?

"Nobody loves me." How do you treat love when you believe this thought? As something you lack, something that can be attracted or bought, something foreign? Do you resent love when you believe this thought, just as one might resent someone who doesn't love you?

"My body shouldn't hurt." How do you treat pain when you believe this thought?

"Dave smokes too much." How do you treat smoking when you hold this belief?

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself." Good one! How do you treat fear when you think this thought? If your answer is, "I treat it fearfully," what does that look like in your life and relationships?

Find some other concepts on worksheets you have worked through. See what else you can learn about yourself when you ask yourself, "How do I treat _____ ?"

One night, my elder son did some bad things that caused my younger son to vomit all over the floor. I erupted in anger and threw some things at him and also yelled at him in anger. I felt bad thereafter. There were thoughts like "I shouldn't get angry".

Today when I read Carol's article and got to the part about anger. I asked myself the question:

"How do I react when I believe the thought? " [I shouldn't get angry]
And I felt a lot of stress.

Without proceeding to the 4th question (of the Work), I immediately felt a sense of relief. Peace and joy spread from my heart and filled my whole body.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Dead Cat Enlightenment

I was driving to work. It was a nice fresh morning. Then, I saw a dead kitten some distance away lying on its right. There was some blood.

I felt how helpless it must have been for that poor kitten and also imagined my younger 4 year old son in that position.

Immediately, it dawned upon me that the "poor" kitten was unfeeling. It wasn't the kitten who was suffering, it was me. I was the poor helpless kitten. And at that moment, I also realized that my 4 year old son, had he been in such a situation, would also be without sufferring. It was me who was suffering - nothing else is possible.

A laughter erupted quite suddenly....