Some call it Nirvana. Others call it Awakening, Enlightenment, Realization, Oneness, Satori, Yoga, Liberation. For me, it is nothing mystical or grandiose, but something utterly mundane and ordinary. Whenever I hurt, I would examine the thoughts that I am believing in. And when I realize that those thoughts are untrue, I am left with nothing but Peace and Joy.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Justin, My Teacher My Friend

Me and Justin

Taken today in Justin's office. His last few days in Inti College.
He's a rare gem. Honest, faithful, kind and a great leader
with a heart.

Justin has taught me a lot about myself. Never have I met
such a kind-hearted soul.

As he packs his stuff and clears some old things, I know it is just
appearances. Justin will always be in my heart. Everything I
know and love about him is always part of me. Though Justin will only
be here until Monday - June 9, 2008, I know he will never leave.
For how can he, he is me and I am him. We are one always. I have
come to see that love and friendship will persists - for it can never die.
Physical appearances are nothing without the mind to make it real.

And deep down we are all inseparable and united in Love.

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