Some call it Nirvana. Others call it Awakening, Enlightenment, Realization, Oneness, Satori, Yoga, Liberation. For me, it is nothing mystical or grandiose, but something utterly mundane and ordinary. Whenever I hurt, I would examine the thoughts that I am believing in. And when I realize that those thoughts are untrue, I am left with nothing but Peace and Joy.


Monday, July 7, 2008

Day 2 After Reiki Level 1 Attunement

I had headache all of yesterday. I used the two hands back of
head position to clear the headache. In the evening, I was in
bathroom. The lights were dimmed. I looked in the mirror.
Stared at a spot on the wall just to the right of my head. Then,
through peripheral vision, I saw my aura - it was milky yellow
and it formed a band around the top of my head from
crown to crown. Width about 5 to 6 inches. When I stared
directly at it, it disappeared.

Then, later on in the night, when I looked at my 5 year
old son, I saw a bluish white aura thinly outlining his head.
At night, while lying on the bed, I turned and looked at
the sleeping form of my son and I saw yellowish glow
rising almost 12 inches all around his body.

Today, at college from level 3, I looked up to level 5 and
and saw a whitish aura of another female student about 2
feet around her head.

Later in my cubicle, I gazed at a the white background of
my money plant which was on my table. At first a whitish-
bluish smoky like aura appeared. It followed the contour
of the plant leaves and stems. It extended about 1 to 2 cm.
I then looked further up and saw another outline. this outline
has rainbow like edges and seems to be changing its shape
all the time. Some parts of it reached out like an appendage
to the left and sometimes some of it went to the right.

I later developed headache on the back part of my head
and used my hands to cure it.

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