Some call it Nirvana. Others call it Awakening, Enlightenment, Realization, Oneness, Satori, Yoga, Liberation. For me, it is nothing mystical or grandiose, but something utterly mundane and ordinary. Whenever I hurt, I would examine the thoughts that I am believing in. And when I realize that those thoughts are untrue, I am left with nothing but Peace and Joy.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Reality is without should's and should not's

Whenever a thought arises, and if there is pain, it becomes
apparent that the thought is resisting reality. It is seen that
Reality itself is without any should's or should not's.

The cause and effect is very obvious. If I believe the thought,
the effect is immediate pain and suffering. That alone, is
sufficient for the thought to lose its hold.

It is very much akin to holding a red hot coal, or,
carrying a heavy load. To cling on to the hot coal or
a heavy object causes instant sufferring, and
conversely, to let go is freedom.

But the letting go is spontaneous, I cannot will myself
to let go. In fact it will never work. But, the letting
go happens automatically once cause-and-effect is
understood. Believing in the thought - pain.
Not believing in the thought - peace.

Everyday, stressful thoughts arise all the time. I have
no control over their arising. They come from nowhere
and also dissipate into nothingness - if they are not
believed. But if I believe it, it will keep replaying
itself again and again. Thoughts are not the
enemies. Just let them be - just watch them. Other
thoughts would arise to question them. These latter
thoughts also arise from nothingness. The questioning
thoughts would then demonstrate that believing in
the stressful thoughts causes pain and sufferring.
The stressful thoughts would then lose its hold. I experience
this cycle of thoughts arising and dissipating all the time.

If the negative stressful thoughts are suppressed, they
cause illness. The mind affects the vibrational frequencies
and energy surrounding the body. A negative thought that is
believed, causes bad frequencies and energy. Once the stressful
thoughts is shown to cause sufferring, belief in them drops
by itself and the negative frequency and energy dissipates.

We cause our own sufferring. Nobody and nothing else
causes our own sufferring. Reality, which is without morality,
without right or wrong, is untouched by our beliefs. And
we cause ourself our own pain by creating our own
beliefs. The stronger we hold on to a belief the more
strongly we suffer. All beliefs causes only pain and
sufferring. Because Reality is without beliefs. Beliefs
are mind-made.

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